List of Functions with Options Required

Print options


Required option

E-mail RX Print

i-Option LK-110


i-Option LK-111

Serverless Pull Printing

i-Option LK-114

Scan options


Required option

DOCX/XLSX conversion and OCR character recognition

i-Option LK-110

PDF encryption by digital ID

One of the following units is required.

  • i-Option LK-102

  • i-Option LK-110

PDF File Properties

One of the following units is required.

  • i-Option LK-102

  • i-Option LK-110


One of the following units is required.

  • i-Option LK-102

  • i-Option LK-110

PDF Web Optimization

One of the following units is required.

  • i-Option LK-102

  • i-Option LK-110

Searchable PDF

One of the following units is required.

  • i-Option LK-105

  • i-Option LK-110

Double feed detection

Double feed detection Kit

Fax and Network Fax options


Required option


Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

IP Address Fax

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

IP fax (SIP)

Fax Kit and i-Option LK-117

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

File Type (TSI Routing)

i-Option LK-110

DOCX/XLSX conversion and OCR character recognition

i-Option LK-110

Conversion of searchable PDF file (Forward TX, TSI Routing)

i-Option LK-110

Guidance, font, and security options


Required option

Voice guidance

i-Option LK-104 and Local Interface Kit

Bar code font

i-Option LK-106

Unicode font

i-Option LK-107

OCR font

i-Option LK-108

TPM (Trusted Platform Module)

i-Option LK-115

Virus scan

i-Option LK-116

Communication options


Required option

Wireless network connection

Wireless LAN Interface Kit

The models for North America provide the Wireless LAN Interface Kit as standard.

Bluetooth LE

Local Interface Kit (voice guidance / Bluetooth LE compatible)

Authentication options


Required option

Card Authentication

IC Card Authentication Unit

Either one of the following units is required.

  • Working Table

  • Mount Kit MK-P08

Bio Authentication

Biometric Authentication Unit and Working Table

User settings displayed by mounting options


Required option

[Fax Settings]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[FAX Active Screen]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[Searchable PDF Setting]

One of the following units is required.

  • i-Option LK-105

  • i-Option LK-110

[Bar Code Font Settings]

i-Option LK-106


Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[IP Address Fax]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.


Fax Kit and i-Option LK-117

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[Confidential RX]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[Bulletin Board User Box]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[Relay User Box]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

Administrator settings displayed by mounting options


Required option

[PDF/A Default Settings]

One of the following units is required.

  • i-Option LK-102

  • i-Option LK-110

[PDF Web Optimization Default Settings]

One of the following units is required.

  • i-Option LK-102

  • i-Option LK-110

[Searchable PDF Setting]

One of the following units is required.

  • i-Option LK-105

  • i-Option LK-110


Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[IP Address Fax]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.


Fax Kit and i-Option LK-117

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[Confidential RX]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[Bulletin Board User Box]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[Relay User Box]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[Enable Bluetooth LE]

Local Interface Kit (voice guidance / Bluetooth LE compatible)

[TPM Setting]

i-Option LK-115

[Authentication Device Settings]

One of the following units is required.

  • IC Card Authentication Unit

  • Biometric Authentication Unit

[TCP/IP Setting] - [Wired Setting] or [Wireless Setting]

Wireless LAN Interface Kit

The models for North America provide the Wireless LAN Interface Kit as standard.

[LDAP Setting] - [Default Search Result Display Setting]

Fax Kit (or enable the Internet fax function.)

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[E-mail RX Print]

i-Option LK-110

[Network Fax Setting]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[ThinPrint Setting]

i-Option LK-111

[Network I/F Configuration]

Wireless LAN Interface Kit

The models for North America provide the Wireless LAN Interface Kit as standard.

[Fax Settings]

Fax Kit

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.

[TSI User Box Settings] - [File Type] / [Set All]

i-Option LK-110

[Serverless Pull Printing Settings]

i-Option LK-114

[Voice Guidance Settings]

i-Option LK-104 and Local Interface Kit

[Virus scan settings]

i-Option LK-116

[SIP Basic Setting]

Fax Kit and i-Option LK-117

In some areas, bizhub 4750i provides the Fax Kit as standard.