Registering a proxy server used for remote diagnosis

Configure settings to use the proxy server when communicating with the remote diagnosis system.

Select [Network] - [WebDAV Settings] - [Proxy Setting for Remote Access] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[Proxy Setting for Remote Access]

When using a proxy server to communicate with the remote diagnosis system, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

[Proxy Settings]

Register the proxy server to suit your operating environment.

  • [Synchronize WebDAV Client Setting]: When using the proxy server registered in [WebDAV Client Settings] as the proxy server for remote diagnosis, set this option to ON (default: ON).

  • [Proxy Server Address]: Enter the proxy server address. Use one of the following formats.
    Example to enter the host name: ""
    Example to enter the IP address (IPv4): ""
    Example to enter the IP address (IPv6): "fe80::220:6bff:fe10:2f16"

  • [Proxy Server Port Number]: If necessary, change the proxy server port number (default: [8080]).

  • [User Name]: Enter the user name used for proxy authentication (using up to 63 characters).

  • [Password]: Enter the password for proxy authentication (using up to 63 characters).

  • This setting is displayed when this machine is managed by the remote diagnosis system. For details on the remote diagnosis system, contact your service representative.