Transmission Option Settings

Original scan settings

The functions of the function name suffixed by an asterisk "*" are available only in classic style.

Function name




Using the ADF, you can automatically scan the front and back sides of an original. Also, you can scan only one side of the first page, then scan both sides of the remaining pages.


[Scan Size]

Select the size of the original to be scanned.

[Scan Size]

[Separate Scan]

If the number of original sheets is so large that they cannot be loaded on the ADF at the same time, you can load them in several batches and handle them as one job.

[Separate Scan]

[Inch.Mixed original]

When an original consists of multiple pages of different sizes, the pages can be scanned at one time by using the ADF if they have the same width in the inch size.

[Inch.Mixed original]

[Long Original]*

Load an original that is longer than the standard size in the feeding direction, into the ADF. Specifying [Long Original] allows you to send an original that is up to 39-3/8 inches (1000 mm) in length.

[Long Original]

[Binding Position]

Specify the binding position to suit the orientation of the target original.

[Binding Position]

[Book Original]*

You can copy two-page spreads such as books and catalogs separately into the left and right pages, or copy as one page.

[Book Original]

Image and density settings

Function name




Select a resolution to use to scan the original.


[Original Type]

Select the optimum settings for the original to copy it at the optimum image quality.

[Original Type]


Adjust the density (Dark or Light) to scan the original.


[Bkgd. Removal]

Adjust the density of the background area when copying originals with colored background (newsprints, recycle paper, etc.) or originals that are so thin that text or images on the back would be scanned.

[Bkgd. Removal]

Stamp and page print settings

The functions of the function name suffixed by an asterisk "*" are available only in classic style.

Function name




Adds the transmission date and time.


[Page Number]*

Adds page and chapter numbers on printed sheets.

[Page Number]


Adds a text such as "PLEASE REPLY" or "DO NOT COPY".



Adds the date, time, and any desired text in the top and bottom margins (header/footer) of the specified page.


Other settings

The functions of the function name suffixed by an asterisk "*" are available only in classic style.

Function name



[Frame Erase]*

Erases the four sides of the original by the same width amount. You can also specify the width to be erased for each side.

[Frame Erase]


Sharpens the edges of the image to improve legibility.


[Save & Print]*

Prints data on this machine simultaneously with transmission.

[Save & Print]

Fax-specific settings

The functions of the function name suffixed by an asterisk "*" are available only in classic style.

Function name



[Line Settings]

Specify how to send a fax based on the line conditions.

[Line Setting]

[Quick Memory TX]

As one page is scanned, fax transmission starts.

[Quick Memory TX]

[Polling TX]*

Registers a file for polling in the Polling TX User Box.

[Polling TX]

[Polling RX]*

Retrieves a file stored in the destination machine upon a request sent from this machine (polling request).

[Polling RX]

[Timer TX]*

Specify when to start fax transmission. The fax is automatically sent at the specified time.

[Timer TX]

[Password TX]*

A fax is sent with a password to a device for which fax destinations are restricted by passwords (Closed Network RX enabled).

[Password TX]

[F-Code TX]*

To use Confidential TX or Relay Distribution, enter an F-code (SUB address and sender ID), and send it.

[F-Code TX]