Home ApplicationRemote Panel Advanced Settings

Remote Panel Advanced Settings

The [Remote Panel Advanced Settings] screen is provided to disable Real-time Remote Panel or to set the time for the session timeout.

  1. Follow the procedure in Enabling VNC Function of the Machine to display the [Remote Panel Advanced Settings] screen.

  2. Make desired settings.

    • To disable Real-time Remote Panel, click [Disable] in the right side area of [Enable or disable Real-time Remote Panel]. The function is disabled, and the display of the button changes to [Enable].

    • To set the session timeout time, enter a desired time on the right side of [Session Timeout], and then click [Setting].

    • Once Real-time Remote Panel or VNC function is enabled or disabled, the setting change cannot be accepted for 10 minutes. To reset the setting, hold steady for 10 minutes or open the [Remote Panel Advanced Settings] screen again after 10 minutes.

    • When [Quick IP Filtering] or [IP Filtering] is specified, the Real-time Remote Panel function is disabled.